For Votigo Platform users, you may have also noticed that, not long after launching our first set of contest and promotions apps for Facebook, we followed up immediately with microsite and mobile publishing features. For no additional cost, marketers can publish their Facebook contest or Sweepstakes to a dedicated microsite AND to a dedicated mobile site, where their audience can enter.
So while we prepare some additional resources for this incredibly important new feature, here are 3 quick tips on how to make the most of it:
1) Publish it! Once you are finished designing your Contest or Sweeps, click "Publish." Publish it to Facebook if you want. But then click "Publish" for Mobile (and for Microsite, too.) You can also snag the URL for each, to be used for spreading the word.
2) Cross post it. You are probably already using multiple channels to tell your audience about the promotion (if not, check out this post). Don’t be shy about sending a Tweet or adding a Facebook post geared straight toward mobile viewers- especially if you know that your audience is highly mobile. For example, if you Tweet once about the contest, tweet again soon after something like, 'Mobile audience: you, too, can enter our contest straight from your mobile phone by clicking here."
3) Email it. Whether in a dedicated email blast- with a subject line the specifically mentions the chance to enter a competition from a mobile and win- or just in your standard email marketing to your customer audience, call out the mobile contest or sweeps entry.
4) Advertise it: Google AdWords and other advertising networks offer incredible flexibility in targeting pay-per-click ad campaigns to mobile users. Take advantage of that and set up a mobile-only campaign with a clear call-to-action (Enter our contest from your mobile!) that directs to the mobile page.
5) Set up a custom URL and redirect: Depending on which ways you’ll promote your campaign, you can set up a dedicated web address for the mobile promotion (see Champs example above) and redirect it to the mobile URL provided in the platform. You could even use a URL shortener that allows you to set up custom URLs and simply redirects while offering additional metrics.
So don't just publish a promotion to Facebook. Take it mobile and make sure your mobile audience knows about it.
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