Facebook announced that Pages- including your brand’s pages- are transitioning to the Facebook Timeline view. Page managers can transition their page at anytime; all Pages will be transitioned on March 30. For Facebook’s guide to Pages, click here.
The Timeline Page layout is a canvas that allows images up to 851 pixels wide. This presents a great opportunity for brands to expand their visual storytelling, both on their Timeline page and in all Apps, which can now be 810px. For more information on how to take advantage of these changes, check out our recent blog post.
Votigo-powered apps are already Timeline-compatible, and will be optimized for the Timeline layout by March 30. Here are the key details to the transition of your Votigo-powered promotions to Facebook Timeline.
- All Votigo-powered promotions- already created, saved, published or live, at any time to date- continue to work as you created them, regardless of whether you have adopted Timeline yet.
- The Home Page Header image is still 520px wide until March 30. For contests, the Contest Page Header is still 760px.
- You cannot yet upload 810px images for your Votigo-powered promotions, even if you adopt Timeline before March 30. But you will have the opportunity to update your app with a wider image on March 30.
- The standard Like-Gate overlay has not changed.
- If you are using a Like-Gate Custom Image, it continues to be 520px maximum.
- The Promotional Graphic is unchanged at 180x150px.
- There are no changes to the Custom CSS template. You cannot yet modify the Custom CSS to take advantage of the 810px width.
By March 30:
We will complete optimization of Votigo-powered promotions for the new Facebook Timeline on March 30.
Existing Promotions:
- All Votigo accounts with existing promotions- those created, saved, published or live, any time prior to March 30- will be given the option to upgrade their campaign to the Timeline-optimized layout.
- You would be prompted to upload an 810px header graphic that would replace both the 520px Home Page Header graphic and, for contests, the 760px Contest Page Header.
- This is optional, not required. There is no additional cost.
- If you choose to optimize your existing promotion for Timeline, you cannot undo this change.
- If you choose not to, your Votigo-powered promotion will continue with the design you originally created it, until it ends.
If you are using custom CSS you should edit it to take advantage of the new 810px width, or simply not activate it so that your promotion stays in its original proportion.
New Promotions:
- All newly-created Votigo-powered promotions, beginning on March 31, will be optimized for Timeline.
- You will only provide one image of up to 810px- even for contests. (There will no longer be a unique Contest Page Header).
- Images narrower than 810px will not be scaled up to maximize width.
- You will also still have a choice to use the standard Like-Gating overlay (optional), or to upload a Like-Gate Custom image, with the optimized maximum width of 810px.
- The proportions of the Promotional Graphic, which we use to index your promotions within the sweepstakes and contests apps, will be altered to 400x400
- You can then use the same image, if you choose, as your “Custom Tab image.” The Custom Tab image is a great way to draw additional attention to the tabs and apps on your page. Your promotional graphic will be scaled to maximize this space.
- The Custom CSS template for newly-created campaigns will be optimized for 810px.
Other important changes coming on 3/30 in the Votigo Platform:
- 7 design themes to choose from when designing Votigo promotions
- New Enhanced Preview of apps prior to publishing
- New Enhanced Metrics
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